Sr. Salvador Valero Moreno Comercial Manager |
Sr. Jorge Valero Moreno Production Manager |
Sr. Jaume Castelló Segura Sales Manager |
Sr. Blas Canchal Quintela Technical Manager |
Sr. Marc Valero Castelló Technical Departament |
(Comercial Video Electrónica S.A.) founded in 1984, has tried
since de very begining to enter into a market as competitive as it is entertaining. Thanks to the quality of the product and to an human effort, Covielsa
has managed to become one of the most productive companies in the sector nationally and internationally.
This firm, made up by a trained and dynamic team, adapts it self to the technological advances within de sector, providing and effective after-sales service, and logistic and commercial assistance at the moment of choosing one of its products.
Comercial Video Electrónica, S.A.
Polígono Industrial el Segre Avda. Industria - Parcela 414 Nave 2
25191 Lleida (España)
Tel. 0034 973 21 01 01 - Fax. 0034 973 21 05 45
e-mail: covielsa@covielsa.com